March 2014 Outreach

March 2014


Our March feeding outreach under the bridges in New Orleans was held on  Sunday, March 9th, and was a huge success -- God showed up once again!   We fed 216 people spaghetti & meatballs, salad, sweets, bread and drinks.  That was the MOST MEATBALLS I have EVER seen in my life!!!  All of our guests really enjoyed themselves and since we started this back in October, this was the first time most of our guests lingered around and sat and talked with us at the tables, etc. after eating.  It was amazing!!  We also received many thank you's for having tables and chairs for them to sit on while they ate.  This time it just seemed more comfortable and like a family gathering than before. 


We also passed out clothes and shoes to some of them and I took a list of a few of things they needed and will get to them soon.


While we were picking up everything and cleaning up a lady drove in and told me that she had food in her car she had fixed and wanted to know if she could join us in passing out what she had.  I told her we had just finished serving over 200 plates of spaghetti and her mouth dropped opened -- she said she had 200 plates of spaghetti in her car!!!!  Now I know God wanted spaghetti served under that bridge this month! :-)   When I originally sent out the first email about this I had asked for suggestions -- I only received 3 responses back from everyone and all 3 said "spaghetti".  And, now, this lady from New Orleans had cooked the same thing!!!  She actually lived in NOLA and decided she would save hers and come back out the next day to serve it b/c we had just filled up everyone's bellies.  :-)