May 2014 Outreach

Hello everyone,

The May outreach was awesome!  We had over 30 volunteers and served about 140 homeless (at best count).  We had all sorts of home cooked food to serve our guests -- they loved it!!!  We also had clothes and shoes to pass out to those who needed it.  We were able to sit and visit with them, listen to their stores, pray with them and encourage them.  It was such a blessing to be able to share this time with our guests!

We found out that two of our "regulars" that we have been working with since last October have been reunited with their families and are back at home!!!  We had a couple of others tell us that they had recently gotten off the streets and in apartments.  Praise God for restoration!!!

And, another one of our friends (Steven) announced that he and his wife are going to have a baby!  They are currently staying with some friends, but are working with Unity to get their own apartment.  Steven also said that he has finally found a job and was starting the next day.  He was so encouraged that even though times are tough for them, he can see hope in his and his family's future.  He was so thankful that we come every month.  He said he will continue coming to meet with us even when he gets his own place b/c he considers us part of his family.  This is what it's all about!! 

I have attached a couple of pictures for you to see.  My photographer couldn't make it this time so we didn't have too many pictures taken. 

For those of you who participated in this outreach, either by prayer, cooking, serving, etc., thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!  As I say every time, we could not make this possible without all of your help!!  You are truly appreciated by us and our homeless friends!!