We resumed the homeless feeding outreach in New Orleans Sunday, the 27th, after having cancelled the July and August ones due to the extreme heat -- what an amazing comeback!! God's blessings and presence was definitely felt during this outreach. We had 62 amazing volunteers, 39 of which came with the House on the Rock Church's youth group from Amite. We had six 6-foot tables stretched out with so much food on them we had to put a lot of the food underneath the tables until we could replenish the dishes as we served. We served 138 plates of all sorts of pasta dishes, jambalaya, pulled pork barbecue sandwiches, mac & cheese dishes, fruit, potatoes, corn on the cob, desserts - there was so much food I can't even remember all of it. Oh, and there were even boiled turkey necks for those who love this dish! :-)
We also distributed 70 hygiene bags, 70 brown to-go bags with ham sandwiches and snacks, 30 Bibles and 13 eyeglasses. We had such a great time praying with and just visiting with our homeless friends.
One of the new volunteers shared her thoughts on her experience in a text that said: "God works in wonderful ways. I was so moved by those children of God. I worked for a long time in an ER where we saw many low income patients but the majority of them were not in as bad a place as those we served Sunday. I had no fear and felt true compassion for them. The opportunity to see my grandchildren and the rest of the young people interact with those less fortunate made my heart smile, and like I said in my Facebook post, I'm sure Jesus was smiling as He watched them. Thank you and I thank God for such an experience. I will keep your ministry in my prayers."
We want to thank each and everyone of you that showed up and participated and provided for this outreach. It was such a blessing to serve our homeless friends again. I am looking forward to the next one.