Thanksgiving 2015 Outreach


I hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving with family and friends.  I know we did!  We shared it with 105 volunteers and served over 250 homeless and needy friends on Thanksgiving Day.  It was the biggest and best feeding outreach yet - we can hardly wait until the Christmas outreach.  We had tables and chairs set out for everyone to sit on and enjoy their meal while they visited with each other.  One of the volunteers told me that he counted 19 turkeys, not counting the hams, and everything that goes with a traditional Thanksgiving feast and a lot of extras -- we had enough food to feed the City of New Orleans!  It was incredible!  We even had people that were driving by stop and give us more food and clothing to give out.  We also passed out a lot of warm jackets, clothing, socks, Bibles and eyeglasses.  God is SO amazing!

Over the next few days following the outreach, I had a few of the homeless text and call me to thank us again for the feast and also said that it was "the best Thanksgiving they had ever had" and that "they felt like they were part of a big family".  They wanted us to make sure and let the volunteers know how much it meant to them.  That's what it was all about! 

Cliff and I went back down there today to deliver homeless bags with clothes, shoes, socks, jackets, blankets and hygiene bags for those that placed their request with us at the outreach.  They are still talking about the feast and how the volunteers made them feel "special". 

To those of you that participated, we want to thank you and let you know how grateful we are to have you as part of our team!  God has blessed us with such amazing, loyal and loving volunteers -- you just jump right in and serve with the Love of Jesus beaming out of you!  The homeless we have talked to since wants you to know how much they appreciate you taking your family time to share it with them.  You made them feel loved and special and for that, they are grateful!  I know you have also put a big smile on your Heavenly Father's Face.  The Holy Spirit was definitely under that bridge with us!