January 2016 Feeding Outreach

Our January homeless feeding outreach in New Orleans was a little on the chilly side, but the warmth of the smiles and hearts took care of that.  We had 64 volunteers who served 147 friends under the bridges in New Orleans some delicious and warm food.  We also passed out Bibles, eyeglasses, warm clothes, socks, gloves and blankets, etc.  I have attached a couple of pictures below.  Next week, you can go to the website and see all of the pictures from the outreaches. 

Thanks to all of you who participate in these outreaches.  They are so important to our friendsunder the bridges in New Orleans.  Not only are you meeting their physical needs for that day, you are also meeting their spiritual needs in sharing Jesus with them and praying with them, giving them hope in the dark worldunder the bridges.  Right now, there is such an increase in homeless where we serve due to most of them traveling from the north for warmer weather. 

We are asking for everyone to keep the homeless all over the world in prayer.  This is an increasing problem in our world that is affecting not only individuals but families.  Seeing moms with their children on the streets or living in shelters is heartbreaking.  Our prayers are powerful and if we would just grasp the power within us through Jesus, we CAN change this world.  Join with us in praying for the homeless everywhere for warm, dry & safe places to sleep, food, restoration, healing and housing.