Easter 2016 Feeding Outreach

Happy Easter!!


We have been doing the feeding outreaches in New Orleans under the bridges since October 2013 and I have to say that this past weekend's Easter celebration with our friends under the interstate was the most humbling and powerful experience I have had since the beginning!!  We had 53 loving volunteers serving 160 meals to our friends.  But, the best part was before the food was even served.  We had a dear friend of ours, Pastor Gary, bless everyone with an awesome Easter message, followed by an altar call and beautiful communion service.  We had over a dozen homeless friends surrender their lives to Jesus!!  Praise God!  I have also had volunteers tell me that they were able to pray with a couple of them after the service and led them to Christ!!  The Presence of God was definitely felt during the entire outreach.  It was so powerful!

Pastor Gary was also able to use a beautiful wooden cross with the colored beads that tell the salvation story during his message.  Pastor T from In the Wind Ministry donated 100 of these wooden crosses for our outreach!!  Thank you so much Pastor T!!!! 

Words cannot express the Love, Peace, Joy & Hope shared under the bridges this past Sunday.  It filled the atmosphere the entire time we were there.  This was the first time we served communion with our friends under the bridge and the response was amazing - a lot of them said it had been many years since they took part in communion and they were so thankful for us doing so.  We thank God for allowing us to serve these precious people and for His Presence being there with us.  We also passed out Bibles and eyeglasses.

I have attached a few pictures for you to see.  You can go to the website next week and see all of the pictures that were taken. 

We want to thank everyone for their prayers for this outreach - they were heard and definitely were answered.  We also want to thank the volunteers that participated.  You are amazing & God has SO blessed us with the best volunteers EVER!! You just jump right on in and do such an awesome job!!  We love you!