God's Word says "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18. God tells us to dream big and we are not to limit what He can do.
With that in mind, our dream is to have a warehouse large enough where we can have furniture, household items, food, clothes and everything needed to make a place a home for single moms, children & families in need. We would like to have volunteers that can assist us in picking up donated items & delivering & setting up in the homes of our families.
No one should be in need of basic life necessities. It is our dream to provide everything needed to single moms & families in need to give them a "helping hand" to get on their feet and restore their lives in a positive way. We want to connect them to a local Bible-teaching church.
We will continue having our monthly feeding outreaches to the homeless in New Orleans and the surrounding areas.