The homeless feeding outreach in New Orleans this past Sunday was awesome!! We had beautiful weather despite the weather predictions of 80% thunderstorms. I am so thankful that God is in control of the weather!!
We had 38 volunteers who brought the most amazing food to bless about 120 homeless people. There was so much food and it turned out to be an incredible buffet for our friends. Thanks to all of you who participated in this -- I cannot tell you how many compliments I kept getting about the delicious food. It is definitely appreciated.
We also had available reading glasses, Bibles, Christian books and clothing for those who wanted them. Some of the homeless also filled out prayer cards for specific requests that I will pray over daily.
Thanks again for everyone who participated in this outreach whether by prayer, provision and/or serving. We so appreciate each and everyone of you. These outreaches would not happen if it wasn't for the compassionate hearts of our faithful volunteers. This ministry has been blessed with the best volunteers ever!!! Thanks again! We love you!!!