Resurrection Sunday Celebration with the Homeless

What an amazing way to spend Resurrection Sunday this past weekend with the homeless in New Orleans! We were able to distribute 50 drawstring backpacks full of hygiene products, socks, snacks, drinks and Christian books to them.  We were also able to pray with each one and share Jesus with every one of them.  We even had some of them pray over us.  It was an incredible morning!  As we were returning to our vehicles after walking under the interstate bridges, we noticed one guy who had already taken his toothbrush and toothpaste out and was brushing his teeth!! We also noticed a few of them already reading the Psalm 91 book we had placed in backpacks. What a privilege and honor it is to provide basic life necessities to these hurting people!! And, to be able to share such a treasured holiday with them.  We thank our Heavenly Father for giving us this opportunity to do so.  Thanks so much to those of you who contributed some of the contents for the bags and to the volunteers that shared this morning with us.  I have included a couple of pictures below of the bags and the contents in them.  We were so busy once we got on site in New Orleans that I totally forgot to take pictures of our friends receiving the bags.  :-)  To God be the Glory!!!