May 2015 Feeding Outreach

We had an amazing feeding outreach last Sunday.  A message of Hope was shared at the homeless feeding outreach where 33 volunteers served a buffet meal to 85 homeless guests.  We also passed out Bibles and prescription glasses to those who needed them.  By the end of the event, two young ladies in their 30's decided to make life changes:  one a heroine addict who said she was "tired" from the lifestyle she was living and the other who was being trafficked and also had addictive issues.  Doors opened for us to get the necessary help for both these young women whose lives will be forever changed.  We are asking for prayer for both these young women and for all the women and men living in darkness for Jesus' Light to shine bright to light up the path to open doors that will change their lives for all eternity.  What an honor and privilege to be part of God's plan of restoration.  To God be the Glory!!

If you would like to be part of God's work through this ministry, please go to the website link below to see how you can volunteer or donate in an effort to help us reach hurting people and help restore their lives in a positive way.  No amount is too small to save a life!

Thanks to all of our volunteers.  You are amazing and we truly appreciate your dedication, loyalty and faithfulness to this ministry.  We could not do this without you.  Please be on the lookout soon for an email regarding a volunteer appreciation picnic!!!  We love all of you!