April 2016 Feeding Outreach

With the City of NOLA closing off the areas under the bridges for permit parking, we have moved our feeding outreaches just a block over to a little side street where we have served before.  The weather was beautiful for our April outreach and we had a great turnout.  Pastor Gary gave an awesome message on the parable about the four soils that Jesus taught on.  He also passed out "wordless bracelets" which tell the Gospel with beads on the leather bracelet and also a tract that explained the different colored beads with Scripture.  Communion was served and there were 15 of our guests who surrendered their lives to Jesus -- ifyou look closely in the picture below, you can see some of the hands raised.  Words cannot expressed the joy felt on the inside as I watched these precious people, most of whom have given up hope in the dark world they are living in, raise their hands as they asked Jesus to come into their hearts & lives. 
We had 42 volunteers who served 156 meals to our friends.  We were also blessed with a PA system so we were able to play music during the entire outreach.  We also passed out 18 Bibles and quite a few eyeglasses.  We also met the family that became the 100th home the ministry has furnished (see picture below). 

