May 2016 Feeding Outreach

We had beautiful weather for last week's feeding outreach in New Orleans.  Pastor Gary delivered a powerful message on the armor of God from Ephesians 6.  We all shared communion together and 10 of our friends surrendered their lives to Jesus!  The Spirit of God is moving through the streets of New Orleans.  There were a lot of prayer requests from our friends and a lot of encouragement was given.  We had 25 committed volunteers who served 155 plates of delicious food.  We also passed out Bibles and eyeglasses.   It was a great time in the city!

We want to thank everyone who participated in bringing hope to our friends by loving on them and showing them that they are cared for and not forgotten.  We also want to thank you for the amazing food everyone brought!  We thank our Heavenly Father for allowing us the opportunity to serve his hurting children.  To God be the Glory!!!