On Thanksgiving Day, we had a great feast of traditional fixings: turkey, ham, mashed potatoes & gravy, dressing, green bean casserole, corn, fruit salad, pies, and the list went on and on!! We started out with 21 volunteers and enough food to feed a little over 100 people. It wasn’t long when another group of people drove up and said they had 100 boxed spaghetti dinners and more volunteers to serve and asked if they could join us. Just a little after that, we had 3 people come up and said they saw what we were doing and went and bought a trunk load of drinks and donuts!! AND….a pastor came up with a group and said they had boxed dinners to serve. By this time, we had more food than guests so someone directed this group to another part of town that would welcome the food. We fed a little over 200 people this time. Our guests were able to sit down at tables to enjoy their meals. We were all able to share how thankful we are for all we have. We also passed out some warm clothing, blankets and other items. We truly witnessed a miracle today just like when Jesus fed the thousands. We used the leftovers to make take-out plates for our guests for later on that evening. What an awesome time it was!!!